Artist Statement
Photography gives me the opportunity to highlight and elevate underrepresented voices, particularly people of colour. My style is emotive; I aim to capture a mood in each shot, evoking a genuine emotional response from viewers. I'm intentional about collaborating with ethical and sustainable brands, contributing to a more eco-friendly world. My passion remains within film photography and I have a strong preference for shooting with natural light.
Companies / Experience​
Art Director | Eleven Miles
Film Photographer | Freelance
Film Lab Assistant | Snaps Photo services
GUAP MAG - GUAP MAG (oct 2021) - Colorbloc Magazine Issue 12 - Pocketzine - Crwn Magazine -
Excuse Magazine - Glam Africa - Colorbloc Magazine issue 3
Mentions & Awards:
Vogue Italia/Photo Vogue - 2024
Luna Collective Mag (Luna Sweetheart) -2024
Alphabetical Studio top 11 creatives 2021
The dots, 100 upcoming rising stars 2020
Girl Gaze member
Soul & Style Shop - Imi Studios - Peytie Slater - Beasha Studios - Tamar Mavazi -EJ SHARMAN - BECCI - Alice Elizabeth - Dear Katiopae - Ssone - Kaleidoscope Beauty - Tomme Studio - Dr Banana - Cloud & Clay -
- Vow London - Realm Designs - Nicci James
Chase Tha Worst - Trai Global - ANISE - Kyra - Jaja Kisses - Michemingg -Jojo Vandalkidd - Shay Aiko - Charnice